Higher Education

Global Verifications – Simplifying University Admissions

Are your admissions teams overwhelmed by volume of work?
Are you concerned about fraudulent applications?


Attempted Applications Fraud within Higher Education

The benefits of a postgrad qualification from a high-ranking university have long ensured a strong representation of overseas students at western institutions.

Incoming students benefit from first class postgrad education while gaining an international view and, usually, the opportunity to work in a foreign country for a number of years.

The institution gains an international cohort of the brightest and most innovative, with a broader worldwide view, plus the increased revenues that international students bring.

However, the rates of attempted academic fraud, where applicants try to gain places on courses for which they are not qualified, are rising.

Qualification Check verifies university applications and mitigates risk

• Faster verification of qualifications

• Discourage fraudulent applications

• No need to translate documents

• Offer places only to those with relevant qualifications

• Protect your university’s ranking by maintaining the quality of grades achieved and of research delivered.

• Fully documented audit trail for compliance with national student visa legislation.

Trusted By


Case studies

Qualification Check streamlines admissions at Cambridge Judge Business School

Qualification Check delivers for Imperial College, London

Bloomsbury Institute