Regulatory & Professional Bodies

Regulatory Authorities & Professional Bodies

Enhancing membership experience

The role of professional and regulatory authorities is two-fold, to ensure that members are appropriately skilled and qualified to hold membership, and to confirm membership of individuals to those making enquiries.
Qualification Check offers solutions, Global Verification and AutoVerify, to streamline both processes. 


Verify the qualifications of incoming members.

The global workforce has become internationally mobile, and individuals from every profession may certify with regulatory authorities other than in their country of study. 

Global Verification by Qualification Check verifies academic and professional qualifications regardless of where they were awarded. allowing professional authorities to recognise skills acquired and to advise on supplementary skills needed to meet the professional standards of a new country.

Streamline your membership enquiries.

As a professional body you may receive frequent requests to confirm the status and professional certification of your membership. Responding to these requests can be time consuming, repetitive and expensive.

AutoVerify by Qualification Check, manages the confirmation process, by receiving the requests in standard format, to a central point. Your organisation will benefit from:

•   Automating your response to membership queries
•   Redeploying your staff away from monotonous, repetitive tasks
•   Adding value to your membership scheme and improve membership experience
•   Creating a potential additional revenue stream for your organisation.
Choose between direct integration via your own API or ours, or near-integration that allows you to maintain complete data security.

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Case studies

AutoVerify case study - The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is the leading professional body for securities, investment, wealth and financial planning professionals.
New employers within the Securities & Investments space are required to check that every new employee is a ‘fit and proper person’ so CISI is regularly called upon to confirm the Chartered status of its members, when they change roles or move between organisations.  In 2012 CISI was manually processing several thousand membership enquiries of this type each year